Ephemeral Menus

6.831, Spring 2018

Phase ?/?: ?/?

Welcome! We are trying to replicate an experiment about ephemeral menus.

During a phase of the experiment, you will see three menus and an instruction to select a menu item from a particular menu. Try to find and click on the correct menu item as quickly as you can. There is no penalty if you click on the wrong menu item, but you will still need to click the same correct menu item to proceed. In some trials, some menu items will be directly shown when you open the menu, while others will fade in. The directly shown items are predictions for items that you might want to select, but the predictions are not always accurate.

You may pause between phases, but please try to complete each phase in a single sitting without pausing. In total, this experiment should take about 15 minutes to complete. Please complete it on a modern laptop or desktop browser, not a mobile device.

We need some demographic data to replicate the experiment, so please fill out this information about yourself. At the end of the experiment, this demographic data and your trial data will be automatically submitted to a Google Form.

Phase :


Choose from Menu :

Phase :

The menus were difficult to use.

I was satisfied with the menus.

The menus were efficient to use.

I was frustrated when using the menus.

Thanks for doing this experiment! Just answer a few last questions:

I preferred the menus with ephemeral adaptation more than the menus.

Your experiment data and feedback has been submitted. Thank you very much for participating in my 6.831 experiment!

If you are interested in learning more about the experiment, this is the paper that it is based on:

L. Findlater, K. Moffat, J. McGrenere, J. Dawson."Ephemeral Adaptation: The Use of Gradual Onset to Improve Menu Selection Performance." CHI 2009.